Kut Snake is proud to be Australian owned and the original manufacturer of high quality ABS fender flares. Each genuine Kut Snake flare is engraved with our distinctive logo. If you don't see the logo, it's not a Kut Snake product. We have two registered trademarks, which are displayed at the bottom of each page on our website.
To ensure you're purchasing authentic Kut Snake gear, only buy from the authorised stockists listed on our Stockists & Fitters page.
Beware of imitations. Occasionally, copies appear on the market. They're made from thin, non-automotive grade materials. These imitations fail to meet Australian Design Rules and can pose safety risks if installed on your vehicle. Their lower price reflects the lack of proper ABS materials in their construction.
Why Choose Kut Snake? Our fender flares are built to last. The textured finish option requires no painting, while smooth finishes can be painted with proper preparation. Each set comes complete with rubber finishing trims and stainless steel hex screws for a secure fit.